Arthur C. Custance

Thursday, September 15, 2005

The Mysterious matter of mind

Table of Contents and Introduction:

"One's view of the origin and nature of mind is of crucial importance both for an assessment of human worth and in the formation of a truly healthy philosophy of life.
Carefully examining historical outlooks on mind and brain, the author reviews various explanations which have been offered for the ascendancy of the mechanistic approach. He then presents the experimental findings of recent research which have led some of the most renowned scientists in the field to conclude that mind is more than matter and more than a mere by-product of the brain.
Such a conclusion provides a basis for rejecting the view that man is 'nothing but' a machine, without in any way minimizing how remarkable this machine is."

The Doorway Papers of Arthur C. Custance, PhD

The Doorway Papers of Arthur C. Custance, PhD: " A CD ROM of this web site is now available." or Creation: Contents and Introduction

Evolution or Creation: Contents and Introduction: "Evolution or Creation
by Arthur C. Custance, PhD"

Arthur C. Custance

Arthur C. Custance was born and educated in England and moved to Canada in 1928. In his second year at the University of Toronto he was converted to faith in Christ. The experience so changed his thinking that he switched courses, obtaining an honours M.A. in Hebrew and Greek. In his 13 years of formal education, he explored many facets of knowledge and was particularly interested in anthropology and origins. He completed his Ph.D. at the University of Ottawa in 1959 while serving as head of the Human Engineering Laboratories of the Defence Research Board in Ottawa (Canada) and was engaged in research work for 15 years. During that time he also wrote and published The Doorway Papers, and in retirment in 1970, he wrote 6 major books. His writings are characterized by a rare combination of scholarly thoroughness and biblical orthodoxy